Vladimir Putin a former KGB spy is currently serving for the second time as President of Russia. Elected in 2000 Putin served two terms but as in the USA; two four year terms was the limit. When he stepped down to be proceeded by Dmitry Medvedev in 2008 he took over as Prime Minister but he wanted the power of Presidency back and he wouldn't have to wait long to regain it. While Putin was Prime Minister Russian law changed to make the presidency a six year term rather than four and having sat out for a term Putin was ready to strike again. This move was not popular with many Russians but he still won the 2012 election and Medveded's time in The Grand Kremlin Palace were over.
This documentary looks at the popularity and power Putin has built with old Russian beliefs and a hands on Presidency. But the main feature is his desire to return to the old Russian empire and the steps he is willing to take to achieve such a goal. The film meets with those inside Russian politics as well as former colleges and experts to find out about whats being labeled "The Putin System". Is he cracking down on all opposition, keeping hold of out dated often racist views and looking to restore Russian sovereignty ? If so what will the effect be not only on Russians but the rest of the world ?
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