Slacker Uprising is a documentary by renowned film maker Michael Moore, the film is a renamed and updated version of a documentary he had shown a year earlier called Captain Mike Across America. Not for the first time George W. Bush received focus from a Moore documentary, but the main focus was on getting the youth and slackers out to vote in the (at the time) upcoming presidential election.
In the documentary we see Moore travel across America visiting collages and other youth venues in an effort to get young people to use the power of their votes. It was building to be one of the closest Presidential elections in American History so Moore even offers gifts (Albeit Underwear and Noodles) to those who promise to shut off cellphones and computers for an hour and use the right many peoples are not afforded.
Slacker Uprising: Captain Mike Across America
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Michael Moore,
It's not the best Michael Moore documentary but still interesting and funny in parts so 4/5 for me.